Tuesday, January 6, 2009

The journey has begun...

Welcome to my running blog! This is a new adventure to me, but I am excited and motivated to begin on this journey. With motivation and encouragement from my good friend Maren, I have decided to become a runner. For those of you that know me well, know that this is not going to be easy for me. I have never been a runner, and I have always been somewhat overweight for the majority of my life. I have always struggled with losing weight, and having had two babies, I think it is much more difficult now to get off the extra "baby" weight.
When my oldest was 6 months old, I realized that I was the heaviest I have ever been and I wasn't doing anything about it. I hated looking at pictures of me. I thought I looked huge and disgusting. My husband and I decided to take action and we started a very pricey weight loss program. I don't want to brag...but that program was just what I needed. And by my son's first birthday, I had lost 55 lbs! I couldn't believe it! I was in no way skinny, but I was in a lot better shape and I felt great! Two weeks later...I found out I was pregnant with baby #2. I was scared and terrified that I would gain those 55 lbs back. But I was determined and worked out my entire pregnancy. I not only saw a lower weight gain than my first pregnancy, but I saw a huge difference in my labor and delivery.
Fast forward to today. Baby #2 is almost 10 months old and I am 5 lbs away from my pre-pregnancy weight with him. I have been constantly working out since he was 6 weeks old, but my eating and nutrition have not been what they should be. But I am a lot better now than I was 6 months ago. When I made this running goal about a month ago, I was completely motivated and pumped! I went to the gym that night, lifted weights, and told myself I was going to run a mile nonstop. I thought and knew it was going to be rough, but to my surprise it wasn't as bad as I thought it was going to be. I did it! I was so optimistic that I would be able to do this. Then came the next day. My foot was killing me! I knew that I had to of pulled something. I tried icing it and took anti-inflammatories, but nothing helped. It continued to get worse and worse. I was completely bummed. I was so excited to set off on a journey I had never taken before, and then my dreams were suddenly crushed by a throbbing foot. I finally went in to a foot doctor to make sure that it wasn't anything too serious. The diagnosis was "spur-heel syndrome." I had pulled the main tissue that connects your heel to your foot. But I soon realized that it was something that would heal by being taped and possibly getting orthotics, but I was told I would and could run again. Hallelujah!
This is my first week back at running and I have ran over a mile 3 times this week and my foot hasn't hurt a bit! My motivation is coming back slowly, but surely! To go along with my running goal, I have set a pretty high goal that I hope I can reach. I am planning on running in the Bear Lake Half Marathon this June. That gives me just over 5 months to train myself to run 13.1 miles halfway around Bear Lake. There are many times when I think that I can't do this...but my husband has been right by my side encouraging me that I CAN and WILL do this. I know that this is going to be hard. Probably one of the hardest things I have ever done in my life, (besides giving birth to two handsome boys) but I am determined that I can do this. I am starting off slow, but as long as I push myself a little harder every week, I know I will be able to run those dreaded 13.1 miles. If anyone wants to embark on this journey with me, I would love to have the company!


  1. your an inspiration!!! good luck!

  2. I meant YOU'RE - sorry, it's late!!

  3. I hope this 'comment' doesn't end up being too long...

    You can so do this. Let me tell you my story. In high school sports I couldn't run around the track once without stopping. I would complain when I had to do any sort of running. I didn't play basketball because I hated running. The first time I ran a mile I called my then fiance and was freaking out at how proud I was of myself.

    When I moved to Kansas I met some friends who were training for a 1/2 marathon. I decided to challenge myself. We moved to Europe 2 summers ago and I started training there. When I got back to Kansas we all started running together every night. It was so much help knowing someone would be counting on you to meet up with them. Anyway...

    So after four months of training the day finally came. I was so stoked and actually felt so prepared. Sadly a huge storm rolled in that morning and because of all of the lightening the whole race was canceled. Not postponed...canceled. Oh man. I was so mad. I haven't really ran since. I got pregnant the next month and was exhausted for the whole first trimester.

    I am trying to get back on track but this whole mom thing takes up a lot of time.

    Ok...yeah this is long. The whole point of this was that I went from HATING running to running 5 miles every day and LOVING it. I was almost addicted to it. The longest I ran was 9 miles. After those 9 miles I could have run 4 more no problem but they say not to run the whole 13 before your race.

    One more thing and I will shut up. I actually gained 6 lbs when I trained for it so just a heads up. I totally toned up a lot though.

    Ok. I am done. Amen.
