Thursday, January 22, 2009


I can't believe it! I actually passed the two mile mark on Monday night! I have really been feeling discouraged because I couldn't run over 1.5 miles. I would always have to stop and walk part of the way. On Monday night I decided that no matter what, I wasn't stopping until I ran 2 miles. I went into Cardio Cinema, covered up the distance and time, and just kept running. It wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. Only the last quarter mile was hard. I was so happy! I couldn't believe it. I know to some of you that 2 miles isn't a big accomplishment...but to me it was HUGE!!! I was hoping that it wasn't just a fluke, and that I would be able to run that far the next time. And I'm happy to report that last night I ran 2.4 miles. I really wanted to make it to 2.5, but I've been battling a cold/sore throat, and I started having a huge coughing fit and had to stop. I was so pumped! I know I've said this a lot but now I am truly starting to believe that I will be able to do this. I'm hoping to hit 3 miles on Saturday. This is only my third week running and I have gone from barely being able to run one mile to almost running three. I'm starting to feel really good. My right knee is still a little sore, but I have been really good about icing it every night. I'm getting really excited about the race. I know it's still forever away, but I'm really looking forward to it!

Monday's run:
Distance: 2.1
Time: 25 mins

Wednesday's run
Distance: 2.4 miles
Time: 28 mins

1 comment:

  1. Your doing so great! I'm proud of you! and you are looking GREAT!!! Hope you guys feel better
